Modern House Design: Horizontal Space by Duilio Damilano

duilio damilano horizontal space modern architecture architecture interior design
Modern Winter House
Horizontal Space by architect Duilio Damilano impresses with clean-cut, pure volume composition with constant height and sleek rectangular shapes.
duilio damilano horizontal space modern architecture  architecture
Living room interior design white sofas and large terrace
The 300sq.m. house, which was originally designed to split into two units, consists of 4 bedroom and 4 bathrooms. The house’s entrance is characterized by wide steps passing by a pomegranate tree, planted in a specially designed niche.
duilio damilano horizontal space modern architecture  architecture , interior design , modern interior design , white bedroom with bathroom
bedroom interior design with bathroom
Standing on the front door, one can see the house’s longitudinal consecutive rooms, floored with warm teak covering.

duilio damilano horizontal space modern architecture  architecture, interior design , modern interior design , luxury house interior design
modern corridor interior design wood and white lights
The vast living room faces the garden and offers extensive view over the nearby houses through its large windows. The wall opposite to the windows is covered with stagger white stone sheets.
duilio damilano horizontal space modern architecture  architecture, modern house , snow , winter house , winter modern house, snow
snow in the garder modern architecture
The kitchen also offers nice view over the mountain, framed by a horizontal cut above the work plan.
duilio damilano horizontal space modern architecture  architecture, contemporary modern interior design , modern design , art deco
art deco
The master bedroom is connected to dedicated bathroom through a translucent sliding door, which separates perfectly the two spaces.
duilio damilano horizontal space modern architecture  architecture, snow house, modern architecture, contemporary architecture , modern interior design , interior design , exterior design
Contemporary architecture white modern house
In the rear facade, which is much more austere, are the balcony and the entrances to the premises in the basement – a gym, garage and technical offices.
duilio damilano horizontal space modern architecture  architecture, modern architecture
Horizontal space modern architecture
In brief, Horizontal Space is a beautiful house with modern architecture virtues that managed to preserve the warmth and cosiness of a family home.

duilio damilano horizontal space modern architecture  architecture, bedroom interior design , interior design , art deco
modern bedroom design

Portas Novas – oceanfront paradise by Victor Cañas architects

pn1 architecture, contemporary architecture, ultra modern house, modern architecture, modern interior design , modern sea house
Modern Architecture Sea House with water mirror pool
pn4 architecture pn1 architecture, contemporary architecture, ultra modern house, modern architecture, modern interior design , modern sea house
Night view to the lake from the modern house
Portas Novas, which means New Gates, is a stunning piece of architecture, perched on a vast ledge facing the Pacific Ocean. As you may have already guessed, the view is incredible and the architects had that in mind.
pn21 architecture pn1 architecture, contemporary architecture, ultra modern house, modern architecture, modern interior design , modern sea house
back yard view
Made by concrete, steel and lots of glass, to the west Portas Novas reveals a clear, beautiful, near 180° panorama of the ocean, and to the east there is not so vast, but still great view to the mountainside.
pn22 architecture pn1 architecture, contemporary architecture, ultra modern house, modern architecture, modern interior design , modern sea house
Contemporary architecture water mirror
The ground-level water mirror on the western side seems to merge into the ocean, creating even more spectacular scene. Wish you were there, don’t you?
pn3 architecture pn1 architecture, contemporary architecture, ultra modern house, modern architecture, modern interior design , modern sea house
Pool on the day light
pn5 architecture pn1 architecture, contemporary architecture, ultra modern house, modern architecture, modern interior design , modern sea house
The Sunset view from this modern house

pn6 architecture pn1 architecture, contemporary architecture, ultra modern house, modern architecture, modern interior design , modern sea house
pn7 architecture pn1 architecture, contemporary architecture, ultra modern house, modern architecture, modern interior design , modern sea house
contemporary architecture and interior design

pn20 architecture pn1 architecture, contemporary architecture, ultra modern house, modern architecture, modern interior design , modern sea house
main entrance

Amazing modern swimming pool house by Hariri & Hariri Architecture

poolhouse haririhariri  architecture, modern architecute, modern design , modern pool house, modern wooden pool house, contemporary architecture
Wooden Pool House Contemporary architecture
In the suburbs of Connecticut, there is a tiny architectural jewel created by Hariri & Hariri Architecture. It’s in fact a swimming pool house, but with its 365sq.m area it might as well be the main house. Built of natural stone and Ipe wood, the pool house is eye-candy with its blend of minimalist elegance and modernistic sophistication. The building’s distinctive feature is an angular archway that parallels the pool and gives great protection against sun and bad weather if the owners decide to dine outside. On the inside there are the usual premises – bar, kitchen and bathroom. Lovely!
poolhouse haririhariri 2 architecture poolhouse haririhariri  architecture, modern architecute, modern design , modern pool house, modern wooden pool house, contemporary architecture
Ultra Modern and Stylisg luxury pool house
poolhouse haririhariri 3 architecture poolhouse haririhariri  architecture, modern architecute, modern design , modern pool house, modern wooden pool house, contemporary architecture  
Contemporary architecture pool house
poolhouse haririhariri 4 architecture poolhouse haririhariri  architecture, modern architecute, modern design , modern pool house, modern wooden pool house, contemporary architecture
Modern Home Architecture

poolhouse haririhariri 5 architecture poolhouse haririhariri  architecture, modern architecute, modern design , modern pool house, modern wooden pool house, contemporary architecture
Modern Home and Garden Architecture Pool House
poolhouse haririhariri 6 architecture poolhouse haririhariri  architecture, modern architecute, modern design , modern pool house, modern wooden pool house, contemporary architecture
Pool House Dining Place on the terrace

poolhouse haririhariri 7 architecture poolhouse haririhariri  architecture, modern architecute, modern design , modern pool house, modern wooden pool house, contemporary architecture
Modern interior design Living room
poolhouse haririhariri 8 architecture poolhouse haririhariri  architecture, modern architecute, modern design , modern pool house, modern wooden pool house, contemporary architecture
Contemporary design
poolhouse haririhariri 9 architecture poolhouse haririhariri  architecture, modern architecute, modern design , modern pool house, modern wooden pool house, contemporary architecture
night view pool witn lights
poolhouse haririhariri 10 architecture poolhouse haririhariri  architecture, modern architecute, modern design , modern pool house, modern wooden pool house, contemporary architecture
Modern House design
poolhouse haririhariri 11 architecture poolhouse haririhariri  architecture, modern architecute, modern design , modern pool house, modern wooden pool house, contemporary architecture
Stylish interior design

Decorating: Creating Special Places in Your Home
In your house, you probably have two types of spaces to decorate: your "predetermined spaces" and your "free spaces." Your predetermined spaces (or entire rooms, in some cases) are those that you know you need, you know exactly how you'll use them, and you know what type of furnishings you need for them. In your bedroom, for instance, you know you'll need a bed and something that stores clothing, such as a dresser. In your living room, you'll need some sort of seating, such as a sofa.
Free spaces don't fall neatly into place as predetermined spaces do. In fact, some free spaces come about almost by accident. Let's say you've just moved into an apartment, you've set up all your furnishings, and you realize you have a little more space than you thought or that you could shift your belongings a bit and end up with open areas that could be put to use. These areas can also be as compact as a corner of a room or even an unused closet or as large as an entire room.
A wonderful way to get the most out of a "free area" is to dedicate it to a favorite interest or hobby. Some popular hobbies that could benefit from such a space include these :
Artwork. If you're an artist, setting up a studio area-even if it's a small, cozy one-can help foster your creativity. (Areas without carpeting work well in case of spills, or you can cover flooring before tackling messy projects.) An art table, some shelving, and ample space for storing supplies will likely be needed
 Sewing. Sewing supplies can take up lots of space, unless you plan carefully. Setting up a sewing machine on a table is a must. To keep fabric neatly stored, fold pieces then stack them neatly on book shelves, or tag baskets (e.g., by color or fabric type) and either hang them on a wall or line them up on a table or the floor. Other supplies can be accommodated by using wall grids.
Reading and writing. Whether you're writing the great American novel or just want to read it, you can create a cozy corner with a desk, a lamp (or two), a bookshelf stuffed with great reads and reference materials, and a warm  
fleece blanket so you can get comfy when you read.
Computer work. Computer desks and workstations come in every size, shape, and color you can imagine. Look for them used at flea markets and yard sales, or hit an office supply store if you're looking for a larger selection. (At least a few should be reasonably priced.) Also opt for an adjustable chair with appropriate back support, ample lighting, a printer stand, and a filing cabinet if you need to store files.
©2009, Rhonda Morin.

Interior decorating

Indoor pool house
Indoor pool house- pool inside
Indoor pool house- partial pool view
Indoor pool house- living room
Indoor pool house- bathroom

Interior decorating
1. How To Clean Your Cane Suite
Cleaning your cane suite is a great idea, as can is very resilient.
To clean cane and prevent it from yellowing, douse a stiff brush in a solution of warm water, lemon juice and salt, and scrub the cane well.
Tighten up sagging cane chairs by sponging the top and undersides of the seats with hot and soapy water to which you’ve added a few spoonfuls of salt.
Rinse with a clean wet cloth and allow drying in the sun.
When almost dry, cover the cane with a towel and run a hot iron over it.
Walls offer the most exciting design possibilities.
A vast variety of wall papers are available on the market, be it exotic futuristic or traditional.
2. Tip on Curtains
Curtains do not have to be that expensive to have an appealing look.
Buy inexpensive off-white cotton. Have it quilted and thickly interlined. It looks luxurious and the effect is great.
Small details are important. So often we use tiebacks or push backs on curtains. Make sure not to put them too high. Fix them low, and the look is much more elegant.
Quilted fabrics can be used on chairs and sofas too.
3. Wallpaper Idea
It is not necessary to cover an entire wall with wallpaper – a section or narrow wall at an odd corner can offer interesting possibilities to add a focal point to an otherwise boring wall.
Apply a border at dado rail height or where the ceiling and walls meet.
There are many imaginative borders on the market and these can make an ordinary room look stylish.
4. Change Ordinary Bottles Into Something Special
Get hold of a few bottles with unusual shapes. Wash it with warm soap water, and let it dry. Take any remnant lace with matching colors, or if you want to be more decorative, color it with cold water dye in the colors you fancy.
Fit it around the bottles in the patterns you prefer, and cut off any excess material. Glue it at the seams to the bottles with modge podge and let it dry.
This way you can produce stunning vases of all shapes, colors and sizes.
Remember, interior decorating is fun and do not have to be expensive to achieve great results!

The glass-steel-concrete masterpiece on Mercer Island

mi1 architecture modern archtiecture interior design contemporary architecture interior design exterior design house  modern house modern home
Modern Architecture
Concrete, steel and glass are considered “cold” materials that lack the coziness and warmth of other materials, used in residential buildings. That might be true, but the structures they create are no way inferior when it comes to style and beauty. Olson Sundberg Kundig Allen Architects prove that used in a proper way those three materials can make an outstanding house, like this one, located on Washington’s Mercer Island, Seattle. The house consists of two concrete structures, connected via an exposed steel bridge leading into the main house and to a private courtyard. A stunning floor-to-ceiling concrete fireplace takes place in the living room, which – like the rest of the interior – is double-height. The large windows, or more properly the glass walls, provide clear view to the surrounding areas and to the rest of the house. Though it looks a bit severe and industrial, this family refuge is incredibly beautiful, don’t you think?
mi3 architecture mi1 architecture modern archtiecture interior design contemporary architecture interior design exterior design house  modern house modern home
Interior design living room stairs
mi2 architecture mi1 architecture modern archtiecture interior design contemporary architecture interior design exterior design house  modern house modern home
interior design
mi4 architecture mi1 architecture modern archtiecture interior design contemporary architecture interior design exterior design house  modern house modern home
fire place interior solution
mi5 architecture mi1 architecture modern archtiecture interior design contemporary architecture interior design exterior design house  modern house modern home
Contemporary architecture night lights
mi6 architecture mi1 architecture modern archtiecture interior design contemporary architecture interior design exterior design house  modern house modern home
Modern architecture view from the garden
mi7 architecture mi1 architecture modern archtiecture interior design contemporary architecture interior design exterior design house  modern house modern home
Modern Design
    mi8 architecture mi1 architecture modern archtiecture interior design contemporary architecture interior design exterior design house  modern house modern home
    Second floor architecture
    mi9 architecture mi1 architecture modern archtiecture interior design contemporary architecture interior design exterior design house  modern house modern home
    Contemporary architecture and interior design

    Snow-white North Bay Road residence by Touzet Studio

    north bay road house 1, modern house, modern home, modern architecture, contemporary, interior, design , art deco , white house, contemporary white house ,
    Modern House Night view to the pool and the garden
    When it comes to luxury homes, especially ones near water, white is always a great option.
    north bay road house 2 north bay road house 1, modern house, modern home, modern architecture, contemporary, interior, design , art deco , white house, contemporary white house ,
    Modern White House by the sea back yard view
    Pure, flawless and crisp, white is the color of choice for designers and architects from Touzet Studio, who created this beautiful residence.
    north bay road house 3 north bay road house 1, modern house, modern home, modern architecture, contemporary, interior, design , art deco , white house, contemporary white house ,
    Modern White House with pool and query
    Located in Miami Beach, Florida, the 12,000 sq.ft piece of modern architecture has 7 bedrooms and 100 feet of waterfront land that overlooks Biscayne Bay.
    north bay road house 4 north bay road house 1, modern house, modern home, modern architecture, contemporary, interior, design , art deco , white house, contemporary white house ,
    White living room interior design
    If you have a surplus of $15 millions and wonder how to spend it, this house is a good option, as it is currently for sale.
    north bay road house 5 north bay road house 1, modern house, modern home, modern architecture, contemporary, interior, design , art deco , white house, contemporary white house ,
    white dining room interior design

    north bay road house 6 north bay road house 1, modern house, modern home, modern architecture, contemporary, interior, design , art deco , white house, contemporary white house ,
    White kitchen interior design
    north bay road house 7 north bay road house 1, modern house, modern home, modern architecture, contemporary, interior, design , art deco , white house, contemporary white house ,
    bedroom interior design white colors
    north bay road house 8 north bay road house 1, modern house, modern home, modern architecture, contemporary, interior, design , art deco , white house, contemporary white house ,
    bathroom interior design white colors
    north bay road house 9 north bay road house 1, modern house, modern home, modern architecture, contemporary, interior, design , art deco , white house, contemporary white house ,
    garden view to the living room
    north bay road house 10 north bay road house 1, modern house, modern home, modern architecture, contemporary, interior, design , art deco , white house, contemporary white house ,
    Modern architecture white house view to the main entrence
